Greenwood Colony, South Dakota Records

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Greenwood Colony, South Dakota Records

Greenwood Colony Records are available instantly. Just enter the name of the person that you would like to search. You will then be able to view all Greenwood Colony Records that pertain to that person. Greenwood Colony Records are public records which are documents or pieces of information that are not considered confidential and can be viewed instantly online. In addition, the Greenwood Colony Records include the person's arrests, addresses, phone numbers, current and past locations, tickets/citations, liens, foreclosures, felonies, misdemeanors, judgments, date of birth, aliases, email addresses, work history, hidden phone numbers and social media accounts. Start your search for Greenwood Colony Records now!

Introduction to Greenwood Colony, South Dakota

Located in the heart of South Dakota, the Greenwood Colony is a small, tight-knit community that is home to a population of approximately 100 people. This rural settlement is nestled in Hutchinson County, a region known for its rolling plains and agricultural richness. The Greenwood Colony, like many Hutterite colonies in the area, is a place where tradition and community are deeply valued, and where the pace of life is dictated by the seasons and the demands of farming and livestock rearing.

The Greenwood Colony is not just a place of residence, but also a way of life. The residents live communally, sharing resources and responsibilities. The colony is self-sufficient, with its own schools, churches, and communal dining halls. Despite its small size, the Greenwood Colony has a rich history and a vibrant culture that is reflected in its public records.

Greenwood Colony Public Records

The Greenwood Colony Public Records are a treasure trove of information about the colony's history, its residents, and its operations. These records are maintained by the Hutchinson County Register of Deeds, the official responsible for recording and maintaining all public records related to real estate in the county.

Contact Information for Hutchinson County Register of Deeds

The Hutchinson County Register of Deeds can be reached at the following address:

Hutchinson County Register of Deeds
140 Euclid Street, Room 35
Olivet, SD 57052

Phone: (605) 387-4212
Fax: (605) 387-4208

For more information, you can visit the Hutchinson County website at

What Can You Find in the Greenwood Colony Public Records?

The Greenwood Colony Public Records contain a wealth of information about the colony and its residents. These records include land records, birth and death records, marriage records, and more. They provide a detailed picture of the colony's history and the lives of its residents.

Land Records

Land records in the Greenwood Colony Public Records provide information about the ownership and transfer of land within the colony. These records can be useful for genealogical research, as they can provide information about the ancestors of current residents and their relationships with each other.

Birth, Death, and Marriage Records

The Greenwood Colony Public Records also contain birth, death, and marriage records. These records provide vital information about the residents of the colony, including their names, dates of birth and death, and information about their spouses and children.

Accessing the Greenwood Colony Public Records

The Greenwood Colony Public Records are available to the public, but there may be some restrictions on access to certain records, such as those that contain sensitive personal information. To access these records, you will need to contact the Hutchinson County Register of Deeds. You may be required to provide proof of identity and pay a small fee for copies of the records.

Online Access to Greenwood Colony Public Records

Some of the Greenwood Colony Public Records may be available online through the Hutchinson County website. However, not all records may be available online, and you may need to visit the Register of Deeds office in person to access certain records.


The Greenwood Colony Public Records provide a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of this unique community. Whether you are a resident of the colony, a researcher, or simply someone with an interest in the history of South Dakota, these records are a valuable resource.

Top Public Records Sites

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Instant Checkmate is one of the longest-running online background check services and still one of the most popular. They offer comprehensive records on millions of Americans.

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5 Star

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