How to Get the Most Out of A Self Defense Class

No one wants to be a target, and everyone should know how to defend oneself. Learning self-defense takes focus, practice, and it can save your life.

Getting the most out of a self-defense class is easy if you follow the steps below.

Find the right class, come ready to focus, don’t be afraid to ask for help, practice outside of class, and get ready to build a skill set to protect yourself using both your mind and your body.

Pick the Right Class

Look around at classes.

Find one aimed at your fitness level with a patient but clear instructor.

Make sure the classes cater to groups you will feel comfortable in, like an all-women class or an all college class.

Don’t be afraid to talk about any injuries or physical problems you have with the instructor. They will know if their techniques will increase your risk of injury.

You can also ask about how their techniques work. A smaller, lithe person may need to learn techniques that maximize their strength using momentum.

Shop around until you find a class that offers valuable knowledge, sets you up for success, and protects your health.

Wear the Right Clothes

Come to class in athletic clothes you feel comfortable in. The class will require you to stretch and be in close contact with people you may not know.

You can certainly find athletic clothes that flatter your body and look attractive. You can also find loose, relaxed athletic clothes. Just don’t show up in street clothes, wearing any jewelry, or any makeup that may start to bother you as you sweat.

You may also feel more relaxed and focused if you take the time to groom as needed like brushing your teeth or freshening up.

What matters is making sure you walk in feeling comfortable and ready to be in close contact with others.

Come Ready to Focus

Learning self-defense requires focus as some techniques require both speed and accuracy. It takes focus and work.

For ultimate focus, show up to class well-rested and well-fed. Get good sleep and eat a nutritious snack high in protein and complex carbs. Both will keep your energy up during class. Don’t forget to stay hydrated before, during, and after practice. Drinking water is as important as eating and sleeping!

Part of self-defense is learning to stay aware of your surroundings so you will need to learn how to turn the focus you practice in class into awareness as you navigate potentially dangerous situations.

Focus is key in learning the moves that will keep you safe. But it is more valuable if it gets you out of a situation before it becomes dangerous.

Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help The instructor is there to help you so take advantage. Like I said before, some of these techniques are complicated and need practice to master. Your instructor will be thrilled to show you how to do something as many times as you need.

Proper technique is very important when it comes to things like using leverage and momentum to even the playing ground between a large attacker and a small victim. Make sure you practice and get help as need until you are confident and adept at each technique. Be Prepared to Practice Outside of Class Muscle memory is the trick that will make these self-defense moves seem like second nature. Repetition is the key to the development of muscle memory. So to master them, find time outside of class to practice them.

The great thing about self-defense classes is that most courses teach you how to stay safe using things you already own like keys or inexpensive tools like pepper spray. This means you shouldn’t need to buy any equipment to practice outside of class. Find a Partner To help you master the moves, it would help to find a dedicated partner to practice with. They will you practice moves that take an assailant to role play, like attacks from behind.

The more you practice with a real person, the more confident you will be should you ever actually need to use them.

They will also help keep you accountable for making it to class on time, practicing outside of class, and help make sure you feel comfortable during practice.

Practicing outside of class is also a good way to make sure you stay sharp on these skills. If you don’t use it, you will lose it.

Use Your Mind Part of each self-defense class will teach you how to stay aware of your surroundings and how to target the most vulnerable parts of the body. You will need to memorize these awareness techniques and those parts of the body.

You will acquire a new mindset on how to carry yourself and how to approach situations that could be dangerous. Be prepared for shift and start practicing awareness as soon as possible.

Know the Point is to Survive Self-defense classes are a great starting point for those interested in the martial arts, but also remember that these techniques are only meant to subdue your attacker so that you can escape. Don’t expect to become a blackbelt or expert.

Don’t expect too much out of a self-defense class.

Once you feel like you have mastered the skills in your beginner’s class, it is always a good idea to step up to a more advanced class to keep your mind and your skills sharp. Conclusion Everyone should take a self-defense class. Protecting oneself is a right, but you have to know how to do it effectively to get out of a dangerous situation safely.

To get everything you can out of a class, you need to find one that fits your needs so that you can feel comfortable, safe, focused, and have the opportunity to practice until you master the skills.

You will find a new level of confidence, a higher level of awareness of your surroundings, and find the freedom to go anywhere, any time you want to.

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