Marion Records are available instantly. Just enter the name of the person that you would like to search. You will then be able to view all Marion Records that pertain to that person. Marion Records are public records which are documents or pieces of information that are not considered confidential and can be viewed instantly online. In addition, the Marion Records include the person's arrests, addresses, phone numbers, current and past locations, tickets/citations, liens, foreclosures, felonies, misdemeanors, judgments, date of birth, aliases, email addresses, work history, hidden phone numbers and social media accounts. Start your search for Marion Records now!
About Marion, Iowa
Located in the heart of the Midwest, Marion, Iowa is a vibrant city that is home to over 39,000 residents. It is the second largest city in the Linn County and is part of the Cedar Rapids Metropolitan Statistical Area. Known for its rich history, Marion is a city that has managed to maintain its small-town charm while experiencing significant growth and development. The city is characterized by its beautiful parks, top-notch schools, and a thriving business community.
Marion is situated in the eastern part of Iowa, approximately 264 miles from the state capital, Des Moines. The city covers an area of 16.93 square miles and is known for its diverse economy, with sectors ranging from manufacturing and healthcare to retail and education. Marion is also home to several cultural and recreational amenities, including the Marion Arts Festival, Lowe Park, and the Granger House Museum.
Accessing Marion Public Records
Marion Public Records are documents and information that are available to the public as per the Iowa Open Records Law. These records include documents from various city departments such as the Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works, and City Clerk's Office. They provide a wealth of information about the city's operations, finances, and activities.
Marion City Clerk's Office
The Marion City Clerk's Office is the primary custodian of Marion Public Records. The office is responsible for maintaining and providing access to a wide range of documents, including city council minutes, ordinances, resolutions, and contracts. The Marion City Clerk's Office is located at 1225 6th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302. They can be reached at (319) 743-6350 or through their website at
Marion Police Department
The Marion Police Department also maintains a variety of Marion Public Records. These include crime reports, accident reports, and arrest records. The Marion Police Department is located at 6315 Highway 151, Marion, IA 52302. They can be contacted at (319) 377-1511 or through their website at
Marion Fire Department
The Marion Fire Department keeps records of fire incidents, inspections, and permits. These Marion Public Records can be accessed by contacting the Marion Fire Department at 3933 Katz Drive, Marion, IA 52302. They can be reached at (319) 377-8237 or through their website at
Requesting Marion Public Records
Requests for Marion Public Records can be made in person, by mail, or online. When making a request, it is important to provide as much detail as possible about the record you are seeking. This includes the type of record, the date range, and any specific information that may help in locating the record. There may be fees associated with obtaining copies of records, and some records may be exempt from disclosure under Iowa law.
Online Access to Marion Public Records
Some Marion Public Records are available online for immediate access. The City of Marion's website provides access to a variety of records, including city council minutes, agendas, and ordinances. The Marion Police Department's website also provides online access to accident reports. For other types of records, you may need to submit a request to the appropriate city department.
Understanding Marion Public Records
Marion Public Records provide a wealth of information about the city and its operations. They can be used for a variety of purposes, from researching the history of a property to understanding the city's budget and financial operations. By understanding how to access and use these records, residents and researchers can gain a deeper understanding of Marion and its government.
In conclusion, Marion Public Records are an invaluable resource for anyone seeking information about the city. Whether you are a resident, a business owner, a researcher, or just curious, these records provide a wealth of information that is readily available and accessible. By understanding how to access these records, you can gain a deeper understanding of Marion and its operations.
Top Public Records Sites
Below you fill find the Top Public Records sites according to our rankings. Read the reviews before you search.
Our Rating
Detailed Review
TruthFinder offers comprehensive public records, easy-to-understand reports, and tools to help you protect your personal information from identity thieves.
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- Reports bursting with public records
- Some reports contain sensitive public record information
- Dark web monitoring included
Intelius was our second pick as it provides the widest array of public records.
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- Report Monitoring
- Person search
- Phone number search
- Property search
- Email search
- Username search
- Dark Web Scan
- Unclaimed Money Search
Instant Checkmate is one of the longest-running online background check services and still one of the most popular. They offer comprehensive records on millions of Americans.
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- Reports on almost every adult in the United States
- Multiple ways to find records
- Included dark web monitoring feature