Lanai City, Hawaii Records

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Lanai City, Hawaii Records

Lanai City Records are available instantly. Just enter the name of the person that you would like to search. You will then be able to view all Lanai City Records that pertain to that person. Lanai City Records are public records which are documents or pieces of information that are not considered confidential and can be viewed instantly online. In addition, the Lanai City Records include the person's arrests, addresses, phone numbers, current and past locations, tickets/citations, liens, foreclosures, felonies, misdemeanors, judgments, date of birth, aliases, email addresses, work history, hidden phone numbers and social media accounts. Start your search for Lanai City Records now!

Introduction to Lanai City, Hawaii

Located in the heart of the Hawaiian island of Lanai, Lanai City is a small, charming town with a population of just over 3,000 residents. The island itself is the smallest inhabited island in the Hawaiian archipelago, with a total land area of 140 square miles. Lanai City is the only town on the island and serves as its commercial and social center. The city is known for its unique plantation-style architecture, which dates back to the early 20th century when the island was a major producer of pineapples.

Despite its small size, Lanai City offers a variety of amenities and attractions for both residents and visitors. The city is home to several art galleries, shops, and restaurants, as well as the historic Lanai Theater. The surrounding area offers numerous outdoor activities, including hiking, golfing, and snorkeling. As a part of the state of Hawaii, Lanai City is subject to the same laws and regulations regarding public records as the rest of the state. This means that Lanai City Public Records are available to the public, with some exceptions.

Accessing Lanai City Public Records

In accordance with the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA), Lanai City Public Records are accessible to the public. The UIPA ensures that government records are open and available for inspection, with some exceptions for privacy and security reasons. To access public records in Lanai City, individuals can submit a request to the appropriate government agency. The following sections provide information on the various agencies and offices that maintain public records in Lanai City, along with their contact information.

Lanai City Police Department

The Lanai City Police Department is responsible for maintaining records related to law enforcement activities within the city. This includes police reports, arrest records, and traffic citations. To request records from the Lanai City Police Department, individuals can contact the department at the following address and phone number:

Lanai City Police Department
855 Fraser Ave
Lanai City, HI 96763
Phone: (808) 565-6428

It is important to note that some records may be withheld or redacted due to privacy concerns or ongoing investigations. In such cases, the Lanai City Police Department will provide a written explanation for the denial or redaction of the requested records.

Lanai City Clerk's Office

The Lanai City Clerk's Office is responsible for maintaining a variety of public records, including land records, marriage licenses, and birth and death certificates. To request records from the Lanai City Clerk's Office, individuals can contact the office at the following address and phone number:

Lanai City Clerk's Office
726 6th St
Lanai City, HI 96763
Phone: (808) 565-6411

In addition to in-person requests, the Lanai City Clerk's Office also accepts requests for records via mail. When submitting a request, individuals should provide as much information as possible about the record they are seeking, including names, dates, and document numbers if available.

Lanai City Department of Planning

The Lanai City Department of Planning is responsible for maintaining records related to land use, zoning, and development within the city. This includes building permits, zoning maps, and environmental impact reports. To request records from the Lanai City Department of Planning, individuals can contact the department at the following address and phone number:

Lanai City Department of Planning
726 6th St
Lanai City, HI 96763
Phone: (808) 565-6411

As with other government agencies, some records held by the Lanai City Department of Planning may be withheld or redacted due to privacy or security concerns. In such cases, the department will provide a written explanation for the denial or redaction of the requested records.

Lanai City Department of Water Supply

The Lanai City Department of Water Supply is responsible for maintaining records related to the city's water infrastructure and services. This includes water quality reports, water usage data, and billing records. To request records from the Lanai City Department of Water Supply, individuals can contact the department at the following address and phone number:

Lanai City Department of Water Supply
726 6th St
Lanai City, HI 96763
Phone: (808) 565-6411

When submitting a request for records from the Lanai City Department of Water Supply, individuals should provide as much information as possible about the record they are seeking, including names, dates, and document numbers if available.

Hawaii State Judiciary

Court records for Lanai City are maintained by the Hawaii State Judiciary. This includes records related to civil, criminal, family, and probate cases. To request court records for Lanai City, individuals can visit the Hawaii State Judiciary's website at and follow the instructions for accessing court records. Alternatively, individuals can contact the Second Circuit Court, which serves Lanai City, at the following address and phone number:

Second Circuit Court
2145 Main St
Wailuku, HI 96793
Phone: (808) 244-2800

It is important to note that some court records may be withheld or redacted due to privacy concerns or ongoing legal proceedings. In such cases, the Hawaii State Judiciary will provide a written explanation for the denial or redaction of the requested records.


Access to Lanai City Public Records is an important aspect of government transparency and accountability. By understanding the various agencies and offices responsible for maintaining public records in Lanai City, individuals can more easily access the information they are seeking. Whether it's a police report, a building permit, or a court record, the public has a right to access these records under the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act. With this guide, individuals can confidently navigate the process of requesting and obtaining public records in Lanai City, Hawaii.

Top Public Records Sites

Below you fill find the Top Public Records sites according to our rankings. Read the reviews before you search.

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Editors Choice

TruthFinder offers comprehensive public records, easy-to-understand reports, and tools to help you protect your personal information from identity thieves.

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  • Reports bursting with public records
  • Some reports contain sensitive public record information
  • Dark web monitoring included
5 Star

Intelius was our second pick as it provides the widest array of public records.

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  • Report Monitoring
  • Person search
  • Phone number search
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  • Email search
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4 Star

Instant Checkmate is one of the longest-running online background check services and still one of the most popular. They offer comprehensive records on millions of Americans.

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  • Reports on almost every adult in the United States
  • Multiple ways to find records
  • Included dark web monitoring feature
5 Star

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