Brummitt, Arkansas Records

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Brummitt, Arkansas Records

Brummitt Records are available instantly. Just enter the name of the person that you would like to search. You will then be able to view all Brummitt Records that pertain to that person. Brummitt Records are public records which are documents or pieces of information that are not considered confidential and can be viewed instantly online. In addition, the Brummitt Records include the person's arrests, addresses, phone numbers, current and past locations, tickets/citations, liens, foreclosures, felonies, misdemeanors, judgments, date of birth, aliases, email addresses, work history, hidden phone numbers and social media accounts. Start your search for Brummitt Records now!

Introduction to Brummitt, Arkansas

Located in the heart of the Natural State, Brummitt, Arkansas is a small, unincorporated community in the northeastern part of the state. Situated in Poinsett County, Brummitt is surrounded by the beautiful landscapes of Crowley's Ridge and the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. The area is known for its rich history, friendly residents, and strong sense of community. With a population of just over 1,000 people, Brummitt offers a peaceful, rural lifestyle for its residents while still providing easy access to larger cities such as Jonesboro and Memphis.

Brummitt's location in Poinsett County places it within the jurisdiction of the county government, which is responsible for maintaining public records for the area. These records include vital records, property records, and court records, among others. Access to these records is essential for various purposes, such as conducting background checks, researching family history, or obtaining copies of important documents. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Brummitt Public Records and provide information on how to access them.

Overview of Brummitt Public Records

Brummitt Public Records are maintained by various government agencies at the county, state, and federal levels. These records include vital records (birth, death, marriage, and divorce records), property records, court records, and criminal records. Public records are essential for various purposes, such as conducting background checks, researching family history, or obtaining copies of important documents. In Arkansas, public records are governed by the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which ensures that citizens have access to public records and meetings.

Vital Records in Brummitt

Vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, and divorce records, are essential for various purposes, such as establishing identity, applying for government benefits, or conducting genealogical research. In Brummitt, vital records are maintained by the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), specifically the Vital Records Division. The ADH provides access to birth and death records from February 1, 1914, to the present, as well as marriage and divorce records from January 1923 to the present.

To obtain a copy of a vital record, you can visit the ADH's website and follow the instructions for ordering online, by mail, or in person. The contact information for the ADH Vital Records Division is as follows:

Arkansas Department of Health
Vital Records Division
4815 W. Markham St., Slot 44
Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone: (501) 661-2336

Property Records in Brummitt

Property records, such as deeds, mortgages, and property tax records, are essential for various purposes, such as establishing ownership, researching property history, or obtaining a mortgage. In Brummitt, property records are maintained by the Poinsett County Assessor's Office and the Poinsett County Recorder of Deeds. These offices are responsible for assessing property values, maintaining property records, and recording property transactions.

To access property records in Brummitt, you can visit the Poinsett County Assessor's Office or the Poinsett County Recorder of Deeds in person, or you can search for property records online through the Arkansas County Assessor's and Collector's Association website. The contact information for these offices is as follows:

Poinsett County Assessor's Office
401 Market St.
Harrisburg, AR 72432
Phone: (870) 578-4435

Poinsett County Recorder of Deeds
401 Market St.
Harrisburg, AR 72432
Phone: (870) 578-4420

Court Records in Brummitt

Court records, such as civil, criminal, probate, and family court records, are essential for various purposes, such as conducting background checks, researching legal disputes, or obtaining copies of court documents. In Brummitt, court records are maintained by the Poinsett County Circuit Clerk's Office, which is responsible for filing and maintaining all court records for the county.

To access court records in Brummitt, you can visit the Poinsett County Circuit Clerk's Office in person, or you can search for court records online through the Arkansas Judiciary's CourtConnect website. The contact information for the Poinsett County Circuit Clerk's Office is as follows:

Poinsett County Circuit Clerk
401 Market St.
Harrisburg, AR 72432
Phone: (870) 578-4420

Criminal Records in Brummitt

Criminal records, such as arrest records, criminal history reports, and sex offender registries, are essential for various purposes, such as conducting background checks, researching criminal activity, or ensuring public safety. In Brummitt, criminal records are maintained by various law enforcement agencies, such as the Poinsett County Sheriff's Office, the Arkansas State Police, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

To access criminal records in Brummitt, you can visit the Poinsett County Sheriff's Office in person, or you can search for criminal records online through the Arkansas State Police's Criminal Background Check System or the FBI's National Sex Offender Public Website. The contact information for these agencies is as follows:

Poinsett County Sheriff's Office
1500 Justice Dr.
Harrisburg, AR 72432
Phone: (870) 578-5411

Arkansas State Police
Criminal Background Check System
Phone: (501) 618-8500

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
National Sex Offender Public Website


In conclusion, Brummitt Public Records are essential for various purposes, such as conducting background checks, researching family history, or obtaining copies of important documents. By understanding the various types of public records available and the agencies responsible for maintaining them, you can efficiently access the information you need. Whether you are searching for vital records, property records, court records, or criminal records, the resources provided in this article will help you navigate the process of obtaining Brummitt Public Records.

Top Public Records Sites

Below you fill find the Top Public Records sites according to our rankings. Read the reviews before you search.

Our Rating
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Editors Choice

TruthFinder offers comprehensive public records, easy-to-understand reports, and tools to help you protect your personal information from identity thieves.

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  • Reports bursting with public records
  • Some reports contain sensitive public record information
  • Dark web monitoring included
5 Star

Intelius was our second pick as it provides the widest array of public records.

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  • Report Monitoring
  • Person search
  • Phone number search
  • Property search
  • Email search
  • Username search
  • Dark Web Scan
  • Unclaimed Money Search
4 Star

Instant Checkmate is one of the longest-running online background check services and still one of the most popular. They offer comprehensive records on millions of Americans.

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  • Reports on almost every adult in the United States
  • Multiple ways to find records
  • Included dark web monitoring feature
5 Star

Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate of, Instant Checkmate, and Intelius. This means that I receive a commission if you click on a link on my website and make a purchase from one of these companies. However, this does not influence my reviews or opinions of these companies. I only recommend products and services that I believe are of high quality and value.